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Low odor epoxy flooring

3 February, 2023 0 Comments blog

In the retail market, it is neccessary to install a low odor flooring, our Stonhard flooring provide a flooring solutions that are durable, low odor and stain-resistant.

One of the most concern problem of investor when choosing the epoxy flooring for their facilities is the odor of the coating. Those epoxy or PU coating usually bear a certain amount of odor. The odor of the coating can cause the decrease in air quality which lead to the bad impact on worker’s health. The odor need to be control in the first step which is the mixing phase. The Stonhard low odor epoxy flooring systems are suitable for a variety of environment , areas, to ensure the durability , sustanable, low odor .

Reasons to concern about the odor of the flooring

Stonhard offering a seamless, no joints, no bacteria, plus the low odor environment, that are specially made for those unit as this nutrition center.

Normally, it will have to depend on the basic elements of ventilation to prevent the smell of the floor under construction, but in some mandatory conditions, in places where the ventilation conditions are not guaranteed, if there is no solution. Low odor floor method, will cause downtime of the facility leading to production stagnation and economic inefficiencies. At the same time, the smell of floor paint chemicals that appear for a long time in the working environment of workers also affects their health more or less. Stonehard’s low odor floor system allows continuous operation during the floor construction period, without stalling business activities, along with optimizing construction time, plus a variety of colors, systems Stonehard flooring is the perfect choice for flooring items that need to be renovated or upgraded.


Not only that, the flooring system of Stonhard is a durable flooring system, suitable for a variety of environments and different industries. Stonhard’s epoxy floor system, in addition to low odor, also has outstanding durability, withstands strong impacts, and can withstand loads of machines, tools, and forklifts. In addition, it also has high safety, with the ability to resist the corrosion of some strong cleaning chemicals suitable for fresh and frozen food processing facilities, anti-slip and soundproof ability. suitable for healthcare facilities, hospitals...


Stonhard’s flooring product system is diverse, suitable for most types of concrete substrates and business environments. Stonhard products guarantee to provide complete protection for the floor system of any building, building, factory, or business establishment.


Stonhard producing products that are easy to clean , hygienic, low odor which is best for clean room environment.

INFLOOR with a professional construction team who is well-trained according to the strict floor construction process of Stonhard standards, can search, support, consult, and install professional flooring systems in accordance with the needs of the client taste.

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