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Concrete prepare surface – Concrete Surface Profile – CSP

22 December, 2022 0 Comments blog
The process of preparing the concrete surface to applying the flooring coating is very important due to the fact that the ability to bonds of the material of the concrete is the crucial aspects that ensuring the durability and sustantially of the flooring, even it is for overlays or restoration. self-leveling overlays, coating, sealers… If the surface is not proper prepare it will lead to damaging of the top overlays. There are several products for the preparing and restorations, different in thickness, it is essential to know the surface conditions for the specific products. It will saving time as well as ensuring the durability for flooring. CSP measurement – Concrete Surface Profile – is consider as a standards to measure the roughness of the concrete surface, that are seperate from 1-9, the higher the number is the rougher of the concrete is. This measurement is accepted in the industry that support the applicators to achieve the proper standards for surface coating. The images are :   For CSP-1 and CSP-2 : grinding – It is suitable for coating that are 1-2.5mm thickness, is consider as CSP-1 and CSP-2. – Grinding process will remove the old painting or old epoxy layer and enhance the bonding ability for the new coating. – Suitable most for light traffic areas, storage, light industry. For CSP-3 – CSP-5: Abrasive blasting – Thickness from 4-5mm as CSP-3 and 15-50mm as CSP-4 and CSP-5 – Remove the old paint, clean, enhance the bonding ability, it is recomment in weak structure areas. – Suitable for medium traffic areas, labotaries. For CSP-6 – CSP-8 : Shot blasting – The coating is 40mm-1/8″ as CSP-6 , 1/4″-1/2″ as CSP-7 and CSP-8 – Shot blasting is suitable for almost CSP level, it is deep abrasion, and are use in large-scale operation. – Heavy load, heavy industry. For CSP-9 : Water jetting – Remove contaminations, roughten the surface through the impacts of waterjets. – Apply for those higher areas Besides cleaning the concrete surface, remove contaminations, the structure of the concrete should be suitablef for the choosing coating. Note that any type of cleaning methods could leave microcracking. It is neccessary to prepare those cracking before apply new coating. Follow safety guildes while applying and cleaning the coating.  

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